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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Buttery Pull-Apart Dinner Rolls : ABC April 2012

I was all smiles when this buttery rolls was chosen for this month's Avid Bakers' Challenge. This recipe is from "The Weekend Baker" by Abigail Johnson Dodge, the cookbook that ABC is currently baking from. As I am into bread-making lately, I was really looking forward to bake this. Abby has given a number of flavour variations for these rolls, and I have chosen to make this with poppy seeds. 

I use the stand mixer to mix the dough. The recipe calls for half-and-half, but I substitute with whole milk. And I use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour. The milk and butter are heated until the butter has melted, left to cool for about 5 minutes, temperature should be between 46 and 52C (any hotter than this will kill the yeast), add in to the flour mixture in the mixer in a consistent drizzle. The egg yolks are added in, instructions is to knead it for about 5minutes until the dough is smooth, but mine took about 10 minutes. Remove dough, shape into a ball and place back into the mixer bowl which has been greased lightly with oil. Cover and leave to rise until doubled in size for about 50 minutes. Wow! Look at the beautiful risen dough! I love seeing the dough when it has risen!

The dough was a delight to work with. It is just as Abby describes, there is no need to flour your hands or the work surface, the dough is soft but not sticky and so easy to handle.  Divide the dough into 16 equal sizes of about 57 or 58gm each, with a cupped palm, press down gently but firmly, rolling the pieces in tight circles on the work surface until it forms a smooth-skinned ball with a seam on the bottom. Place the ball, seam side down in a greased baking pan, here I use a square 10" pan. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rise until they are 1-1/2 times their original size, about 50 minutes.

The beautifully risen rolls, this is the part that I love the most about bread making!  Scatter the balance poppy seeds evenly on top and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

The beautiful baked rolls! Brush with some melted butter while still hot.

They rose even higher as they are baking in the oven!

The Pull-Apart Pictures!

I just got to include the pull-apart pictures! After all this is a "Buttery Pull-Apart Dinner Rolls" !! 
Wow, look at the fluffiness and softness of the rolls!

The soft texture. 

To me, this is one perfect roll. I was smiling from left to right ,  hehe! ....especially after 

eating this... truly delicious! Soft, tender, fluffy and buttery! If a picture could say a thousand words, this picture would be it!  LOL!! And the great thing is, these dinner rolls are just as soft and fluffy on the next day! 

If you would like to try out this fantastic dinner rolls, you may get the recipe here, or, get the book! This is my fourth bake from this book, and all four are keepers! 

Avid Baker's Challenge

Please do visit other ABC bakers link, here, to see their Buttery Rolls. If you have this book "The Weekend Baker" by Abigail Johnson Dodge and interested to join in, please get the full details on how to be a member over at ABC

Buttery Pull-Apart Dinner Rolls : ABC April 2012 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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