Avid Baker's Challenge (ABC)'s bake for August is Glazed Apricot-Plum Galette. We are currently baking from "The Weekend Baker" by Abigail Johnson Dodge. I was looking forward to this bake, as I love plums in baking. And my plums "hunting" began about two weeks ago. Fresh apricots are out of the question, as they are not easily available and if I do find them, they will be costly! So I have plans on using a mixture of plums and maybe fresh mangoes, or even canned apricots.
I've seen some very nice looking plums about more than a fortnight ago, and did not buy any, as, I was not free to bake at that time, and thought I'll buy them later, when I am ready to bake the galette. A few days later, I went to the market and already thinking of the round gorgeous plums in the galette that I'll be making! Well, I could not find any plums at all! After almost two weeks of "plum hunting", I decided to forget about the plums, and go ahead with the galette using all mangoes which we have plenty around here, and I added in a handful of frozen mulberries which I've collected from my very small mulberry plants and my neighbour's (courtesy from my neighbour), which I patiently freeze over a period of many months from my very minimal harvest, and now I have more than three cups of frozen mulberries, time to use some of it for my baking! :)
No fresh plums and fresh apricots? Use fresh mangoes and fresh mulberries!
The mangoes may not look as attractive as plums, but they sure are delicious!
Want a slice?
The mangoes are really sweet and juicy, and at first I was kinda worried that it might release more juices and make the bottom pastry soggy, but it did not. It retain the juices rather well, really moist, soft, and so sweet smelling. I like the addition of the red-black mulberries, they made a nice attractive colour against the yellow mangoes, and taste really good with a slight tanginess that pairs so well with the sweet mangoes.
The pastry is flaky and buttery, love it! From the recipe's instructions, the pastry dough is to be rolled out to about 15" diameter and cut into a round of 14". I do not want to waste that extra cut pastry, so I rolled the dough to more or less 14" and neaten the sides all around with my hands. The dough is soft and needs some sprinkling of flour as suggested by Abby. Galette is a free-form pie, and has a rustic look, so I'm not overly concern with uneven edges!
We enjoyed this galette very much. I like the addition of ginger and the sweetness is just right, without being overly sweet, and the mangoes are certainly sweet enough.When plums are back in season from overseas, I'll be making me some galettes! Yes, I'm still thinking of round juicy plums! :o)

Please do visit ABC to see the other fellow bakers take on this lovely galette. If you would like to join ABC, please contact Hanaa.

Pictures of my mulberry plant, taken a couple of months ago, it is a small plant actually. The branches needs to be pruned often to produce fruits. Each time there are only about less than a dozen fruits, so I have been collecting them very, very, slowly! The fruits are sour when the colour is bright red, and gets a little sweeter when it turns darker red and at it's most sweetness when it turns black. I love eating this when it is dark red, almost black, sweet with a slight tanginess.
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