It's bake time at The Home Bakers (THB). Essence of Orange-Chocolate Wafer Cake is the bake for this week, chosen by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees. A delightful pick, Eileen, I've enjoyed this cake very, very much!
When I first read the recipe, I was intrigued by the usage of a whole large orange, minus the seeds, which is blended to a puree together with a whole cup of golden raisins. I have never tried baking a cake with the mixture of pureed orange and golden raisins before and was somewhat curious as to the taste and texture, which should be really moist.
I've made half a recipe and baked in a 7" round springform pan. The only changes I've made was to reduce the sugar from the original 1/2 cup for half a recipe to 1/3 cup, and it was just right for me. And I've added in 1/2 teaspoon of orange essence.
From the picture in the book, the cake was very attractively scattered with pieces of round chocolate wafer on the top. I've only have about 6 pieces of round milk chocolates and used all of that, and chocolate chips for the batter.
Baked for 40 minutes at 175C, tending the top with foil for the last ten minutes as the top was already a nice golden brown, and the centre was not quite done yet.
Could not wait for the cake to cool down! As I cut the first slice, I can feel the tenderness of the cake. It is really moist, soft and tender, with buttery, orangey taste. And the chocolate chips in the batter, makes the cake extra yummy! I can taste the golden raisins, maybe simply because I knew its's there!
Fresh orange and golden raisins, pureed to a thick paste.
A slice is lovely with a cup of warm tea.
For the full recipe, please visit Eileen from Hundred Eighty Degrees and to view other members' bake, drop by The Home Bakers (THB).

We are a group of home bakers who are currently baking from "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas, until each recipe from this book has been baked. This is our bake no. 17 and we have 43 recipes more to go. If you are interested to be a member and join in our bakes, you may drop me an email at
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