Bake #19 at The Home Bakers (THB), Lemon-Glazed Buttermilk Bundt Cake, is chosen by Grace of Life Can Be Simple. Grace, you've picked a fine one! This cake is simply delightful, I ate three mini bundlets after taking these photos, while they are still warm and lemony delicious!
The original recipe is baked in a big bundt pan, but I have scaled down the recipe to half and chose to make mini bundlets instead. Which got me exactly 12 mini bundlets. The only changes I made was to omit the nuts and use dried cranberries instead, and it was a super good choice! For the buttermilk, I have replaced with my usual mixture of homemade yoghurt and milk. I have also reduced the sugar slightly to 1/3 cup for half a recipe.
Do not skip on the lemon glaze! It is lemony, not too sweet and so perfect when drizzled over the mini bundlets. Make such a pretty little cake!
The texture of the cake is very light, moist and tender, and I'm glad that I've substitute the nuts with dried cranberries, it was good!
I'm pretty pleased with this lemony cake, another keeper recipe!
For the full recipe, please visit Grace from Life Can Be Simple and to view other members' bake, drop by The Home Bakers (THB).

We are a group of home bakers who are currently baking from "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas, until each recipe from this book has been baked. This is our bake no. 19 and we have 41 recipes more to go. If you are interested to be a member and join in our bakes, you may drop me an email at
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