It's time for our bake at The Home Bakers (THB). This is our bake #20. We have already baked a third of the total recipes from this book, we started in April 2012, and that is a little over a year ago. Thank you fellow bakers, for keeping up with the bakes at THB!
Our bake for this week, Cranberry-Pecan-Orange Coffee Cake is chosen by Maria of Box Of Stolen Socks, and this is another lovely recipe.
I had a slice while still warm, yum!
This cake is baked in a tart pan, so it is actually just as high as the pan. I have used frozen cranberries for the batter. For the pecans, I have used it only for the topping, omitting it from the batter as I do not want a very nutty cake. The streusel top is made up of flour, butter and sugar. As usual, I have reduced the sugar for the batter from 1/2 cup to a scant 1/3 cup, and for the streusel only 2 tablespoons from the original 1/4 cup.
Another interesting ingredient is frozen orange juice concentrate. I have seen lots of other recipes using this ingredient, and have not seen the frozen ones before. So I have used Sunkist Orange Juice Concentrate (sold in bottles), I guess that they must be same. Both are orange juice concentrate. :)
I would prefer the streusel to be more brown in colour, but the top of the cake was already brown and the cake was done. Rather than overbaked the cake, I removed it from the oven.
This cake has a light texture. It is not as moist as other cakes that I've baked from this book, but it is definitely not dry either. The first bite would first give you that crispy lovely topping, yes, even though the colour of the streusel is rather pale, it is so crispy and yummy! And the pecans are deliciously nutty. Next you would get the light orangy texture of the cake and the tangy cranberries! Those cranberries are really tangy! A slice of this lovely cake would give you sweetness from the streusel, nuttiness from the pecans, sourness from the cranberries and the light orangy flavour from the cake. The cake is a little crumbly the next day, but it still tastes great.
Another keeper recipe. A slice is perfect with a cup of warm tea.
For the full recipe, please visit Maria of Box Of Stolen Socks and to view other members' bake, drop by The Home Bakers (THB).

We are a group of home bakers who are currently baking from "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas, until each recipe from this book has been baked. This is our bake no. 20 and we have 40 recipes more to go. If you are interested to be a member and join in our bakes, you may drop me an email at
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