Time for our bake at The Home Bakers (THB). For this week's bake #23, my baking buddy, Lena from Frozen Wings has chosen this healthy wholesome cake, Morning Glory Breakfast Cake.
Just as the name implies, this cake is most suitable for breakfast, with lots of healthy ingredients like wholewheat flour, rolled oats, wheat bran, nuts, dried fruits, flaked coconuts, grated carrots, grated apples and fresh blueberries! And not a trace of oil or butter at all!
I like the name of the cake, it sounds very pretty, "Morning Glory Breakfast Cake", the image of the morning glory flowers comes to mind!
From the recipe, it has a long list of ingredients and to be truthful, I was sceptical about this bake. There are too many ingredients and I am the sort who love simple cakes, and for me, there are just too many ingredients in it. That being said, I decided to bake the cake as closely as possible without omitting anything other than the bran which I have replaced with more rolled oats. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the whole time I'm mixing the ingredients that the cake would turn out one that I would enjoy eating.
Other ingredients used are brown sugar, dark molasses, eggs, and yoghurt. There's not a trace of oil at all, or even butter. The top of the batter are sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar mixture before baking.
It took me longer to bake this cake, the recipe says to bake it about 25 to 30 minutes for a 9-by-13-inch baking pan. I made half a recipe and use a 8" square baking pan. At the end of 30 minutes, the cake is still wobbly and not cooked, and I continue baking it for another 30 minutes, tenting the top with foil when the top gets a little too brown.
This is one very moist cake! It is dense but with a nice soft texture, not too sweet. You can clearly taste all the ingredients, the dried fruits, oats, coconut, nuts, carrots and the apples.
My review : A lovely healthy cake, perfect for breakfast, but my family did not care much for this cake, maybe because we are not used to eating cakes like this. The cake is nice, it is just that we prefer eating plain cakes without too much of ingredients in it. Eating this cake reminds me of a fruitcake. But if you love healthy bars and cakes, then you might like this.
For the full recipe, please visit Lena from Frozen Wings and to view other members' bake, drop by The Home Bakers (THB).

We are a group of home bakers who are currently baking from "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas, until each recipe from this book has been baked. This is our bake no. 23 and we have 37 recipes more to go. If you are interested to be a member and join in our bakes, you may drop me an email at kitchenflavours@yahoo.com.
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