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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tomato and Black Olive Tart

Last weekend was my brother-in-law's birthday, and together with my other sisters and their family, went over to my sister's house to celebrate with them. It was a fun family gathering with delicious food and reminiscence of childhood stories that brings out smiles and laughter, no matter how many times they are repeated and retold all over again, we never get tired of hearing them again and again! :o)

The Birthday Cake
This beautiful Birthday Cake was baked by my youngest sister. It is beautiful and delicious, a lovely butter pound cake with scatters of dried cranberries.

I baked this Cheese and Onion Quiche, a hit with everyone. Everyone loved this, but since I baked only one, everyone got a small piece! Promised to bake more the next time round! I have posted this recipe before, click here. Well, I did bake another quiche, Tomato and Black Olive Tart, but the Cheese and Onion Quiche takes the limelight, it has bacon in it, what's not to love?  :) Seriously, this is a delicious quiche, even one of my nephews who doesn't like onions, asked for more, but alas, there's no more!  I promised to bake one for him! :)

The other quiche that I baked, is Tomato and Black Olive Tart. Now, this is vegetarian and would be more suitable for adults. If you love tomatoes and olive,  then I'm sure you will like this. I love the look of this tart, it looks simply lovely with the tomatoes and olives scattered all over. 

This would make a great lunch with a plate of fresh green salad.

As described by Catherine Atkinson, "This delicious tart has a fresh, rich Mediterranean flavour and is perfect for picnics. If you are taking this tart on a picnic, keep in the tin for easy transporting".

Tomato and Black Olive Tart
(adapted from "Pastry Cook" by Catherine Atkinson)
Serves 8
6 firm plum tomatoes
75gm/3oz ripe Brie cheese (I use grated cheddar cheese)
about 16 pitted black olives
3 eggs, beaten
300ml/1/2 pint/1-1/4 cups milk
300ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (I use fresh basil and coriander from my garden)
salt and ground black pepper

For The Pastry :
225gm/8oz/2 cups plain (all-purpose) flour
115gmoz/1/2 cup butter, diced
45-60ml/3-4 tbsp chilled water
pinch of salt (my addition)

  1. To make the pastry, sift the flour into a mixing bowl and rub or cut in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Sprinkle over the water and mix to a dough. Knead lightly on a floured surface for a few seconds until smooth. Wrap and chill for 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Roll out the pastry thinly and use to line a greased 28x18cm/11x7in loose-based rectangular flan tin (quiche pan). Trim the edges.
  3. Line the pastry case with some foil and baking beans, and bake blind for 15 minutes. Remove the foil and beans and bake for a further 5 minutes until the base is crisp.
  4. Slice the tomatoes, cube the cheese and finely slice the olives. Place the flan case on a baking sheet and arrange the tomatoes, cheese and olives in it. Mix together the eggs, milk, seasoning and chopped herbs.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the case. Bake for about 40 minutes until just firm and turning golden. Slice hot or cool in the tin, then serve.
(my notes : to check whether the filling is well seasoned, I just pour a tablespoon of the egg and milk mixture into a corner of the frying pan (hold frying pan and tilt it) and cook until set, then taste it, add more salt and pepper if necessary before pouring it all on the filling. You would not enjoy a quiche which is not well seasoned! 
You could however try it without cooking it, but I do not like to do that when there are raw eggs!)

Tomato and Black Olive Tart Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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